: الأنشطة والمعارض

Activities and Exhibitions:


May 2010

Aesthetic Qualities in Hedjazi Historic Architecture in Jeddah: Painting completion (one week on site workshop) and exhibition. 

-       Number of participants: 42 artists.

-       Number of paintings: 144 paintings.

-       Number of awards: 10 basic, and 13 additional.

-       Sponsor: Jeddah Municipality.


Spring 2004

Tree and children exhibition during the Tree Week managed by Jeddah municiaplity.  A wooden scaffold was built on twin large Ficus pengalanensis trees on Prince Faisal bin Fahad park through which various exhibits were used to depict benefits, spatial structure, natural form, living organisms, parts of the trees.  The trees were decorated as a smiling friend to kids where they found it possible to take photos with the smiling tree and riding the swings tied to their major branches.  Sound system and lighting fixtures were used to enhance the experience.


Elwan Establishment.

Aqiel Construction Establishment.


Summer 2004

“The enchanting of the desert” 8 summer voyages to the Saudi desert for the purpose of discovering the natural beauty (aesthetic qualities) in Saudi desert.  The objective was to educate the public how to taste desert beauty and recreate in desert environment in a more creative way.  Those voyages were followed by a photographic exhibition in Jeddah mall during the summer of 2004.


Spring  2002

The exhibition of natural beauty in desert landscapes.  The exhibition depicted students’ projects in Landscape Design Analysis Studio LA-291 titled (allies of lines in desert landscapes).  The exhibition took place in the following centres:

1)    Saudi Art Centre in Jeddah (three days).  The exhibition included a group of lectures one of which was given by me titled (toward painting Saudi cities desert again).

2)    Al-Sulaimania Shopping Mall.  The objective of this exhibition was to teach the public what to value in desert landscapes and how to perceive this beauty.


Fall and Spring semester 2003

Desert Landscape Studio established in al-Sulaimania shopping mall.  Students worked on landscape design projects 9:00am-4:00pm, and participated in public education program 5:00-11:00pm.  The objectives of studio were:

-       To educate the public about local natural environment.

-       To educate the public about the profession of landscape architecture.


-       Al-Sulaimania shopping mall.

-       IKEA

-       Al-Jaffali

-       Watani Mega Stores

This studio was followed by an exhibition in Saudi Art Gallery in Jeddah, the objective was to direct the attention of artists to local natural environment as a motif.


Summer 2003

Garden and Community Centre was designed to house a landscape design studio act as an extension for the college of Environmental Design into the public realm.  The objectives were designed to enhance the same previous program executed at the LA studio established in al-Sulaimania shopping mall.  (the centre is under construction in al-Abrar garden, north to Aziz mall).


June 2002

The flower of Reish al-Dieb (Abutilon pannosum, a native desert flower) exhibition.  A student volunteer project aimed teaching the public about the vital importance of leaving no trace in natural desert landscapes after picnics.  The project included the construction of a steel sculpture resembled the framework of the flower filled out by yellow and red trash bags filled by trash collected at the time from the site.  Activities included, trash collecting from the area (Quaiza on the Eastern side of the Jeddah), replacing trash with seeds of the mentioned flower (used as an icon for the project), building the sculpture out of the trash, media coverage. 


Nov 1999

Established a web-site titled ‘Native Flowers of Saudi Desert,’ the major objective was to educate the public about desert beauty. The site advertised several desert flowers depicting native beauty of Saudi desert.  Some text was also published in both Arabic and English used to express emblems of beauty of Saudi Desert Landscapes.


July 1999

A lecture titled ‘Bio-diversity of Medina Desert Landscape’ in the Saudi Society of Umran at the presence of the Mayor of Medina, Mr. Abd-al-Aziz bin Abd-al-Rahman Al-Husaien in Medina.


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6/12/2011 11:06:43 AM